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For Immediate Release...
20. 06. 2024.
The Member of Parliament for Damongo, Hon. Lawyer Abu Jinapor made a pivotal visit to the Daboya/Mankarigu Constituency much to the agony and anguish of the NDC; they are currently suffering from acute insomnia and have been barking like rabies infected stray dogs. The Savannah Regional NDC must as a matter of urgency reign them in, they have become a nuisance to the citizens of Wasipe.
As expected, the verbal persecution and disparaging attacks from the camp of the NDC is nothing short of a drowning Man catching straws and galloping dirty water waves; it has been a tale of a well rehearsed and recycled insults targeted at the hardworking Minister of state. The low morale and high turnover of the NDC emanates from the inability of their arrogant Parliamentary Candidate [Hon. Mahama Shaibu Obei], his leadership eroded trust, credibility, increased stress and burnout among the rank and file of the NDC.
1. For the records, Hon. Lawyer Abu Jinapor never claimed in deeds or words that he is the richest politician in the Savannah Region. Indeed, NDC's definition of wealth or richness is money; how poor and lazy they can think. If the positive impact of Hon. Lawyer Abu Jinapor on the well-being of citizens of the region makes him the richest politician so be it. These babies with sharp teeth laced with moral decadence wouldn't know the good legislator because they exhibit pervasive hate towards him taught by their low self esteemed leaders in the NDC. He is a seasoned politician and a barrister at Law. A senior associate at the commercial and co-operate law firm @Kulendi at Law. A Deputy Chief of Staff In-charge of Operations at the Office of the President. Minister for Lands and Natural Resources and Member of Parliament for Damongo. He persevered, shared sweat, blood and followed his dreams; whatever he is enjoying today is by dint of hardwork. Don't blame him, blame his creator [Allah], He blessed him.
2. And we ask, How much is the salary of an MP such that Hon. John Jinapor can donate pick-up vehicles and other freebies to six [6] constituencies including your arrogant Obei? Parliamentary Candidate Obei's negative work culture that prioritizes greed over progress makes NDC think the act of service or giving is corruption; they don't get this from Obei. A lack of accountability, failing to own up to his mistakes/failures with blame game tactics.
Hon. Mahama Shaibu Obei has consistently demonstrated a lack of vision, direction and empathy; leaving a trail of disappointment and disillusionment in the wake of his MP days. His leadership is characterized by self-interest and narcissism, prioritizing personal gain over the well-being of even his close allies.
3. Hon. Abu Jinapor never refused to honor any call of chiefs with regards to issues in Wasipe. A certain NDC ravaged Daboya, rolled back our progress by unleashing state sponsored security apparatus on the good people of Wasipe in the 90s. Those scars of the dark days are still fresh in our minds. He never promised to give motorbikes and cars to anybody it was rather an appeal by opinion leaders to him; such unintelligent propaganda feels like an nsult on the intelligence of the opinion leaders who made the appeal.
It's very laughable that, the previous NDC government who were dashing out cars to opinion leaders, celebrities and slay queens for no work done from our taxpayers money have suddenly turned to latter day saints criticizing people's demand for a vehicle to facilitate their movement on important occasions.
4. On the issue of extravagant expenses, the former MP for Damongo and current parliamentary candidate of the NDC for Damongo Hon. Adam Mutawakilu is on record to have mocked his former contender Hon. Albert Kassim Diwura of the NPP because according to him [Adam Mutawakil] the NPP candidate was too impoverished to compete him. Mutawakil Galus said in Gonja "Ēno Fulo Ma Bishi Toso" literally a poor person who can't afford to buy something doesn't deserve any discount or bonus. It's therefore surprising that the NDC today pretend to be a financially prudent political party. The people who on record have supervised too many corrupt deals which was described as loot and share syndicate in court has no moral right to speak on corruption especially when their leader is internationally known as GO1.
5. Hon. Abu Jinapor never failed as an MP and a cabinet minister. His representation of the good people of Damongo has put Damongo on the map of Ghana's Parliament. His lobbying skills has led to construction of many infrastructural development in Damongo. Notable among them is, Damongo Community center which hosted the last Guan conference attended by ex-president John Mahama. The three [3] Astro Turfs [Damongo, Laribanga and Busunu], construction of school blocks in Mempeasem, Yiripala, construction of a state-of-the-art maternity ward at Larabanga accompanied with a brand new ambulance vehicle, the construction of a big gutter/drain at Almanara around Ngbaripe, construction of Market stalls at Canteen, construction of ultramodern market at Damongo main market ongoing and a long list of others.
6. The visit of the Damongo law maker was one of absolute family affairs where we witnessed all the big wigs in the constituency and beyond come together in unity and strength such as the incumbent MP for Daboya/Mankarigu; Alhaji Mahama Asei Seini, PC for Daboya/Mankarigu; Hon Samuel Yeyu Tika, MP for Damongo, DCE for North Gonja; Hon Adam Eliasu Red Bawa, Regional Chairman; Prof Alhaji Iddrisu Sulemana Kalamonia, Regional Secretary; General Mohammed Issah and constituency executives joining forces to send shivers down the spine of the NDC in Daboya Mankarigu constituency and killed any iota of hope left in them.
In Conclusion;
It's delusional for the NDC to keep mentioning about road projects in the Constituency meanwhile they have a very poor record in their 27 yr rule in Ghana. The 52km Daboya - Busunu Road saw the construction of the Tachali Bridge under President J.A Kuffour during Hon. Allex Seidu Sofo tenure as MP for Damongo/Daboya Constituency; that was the first time an earth moving machine ever entered Daboya courtesy it's expansion from a path to a major feeder road at the time. Daboya - Mankarigu - Wiase was originally awarded under J.A Kuffour up to Newuni.
The Mills-Mahama and Mahama-Amissah Arthur administrations abandoned it; as we speak the road has been tarred from Yagaba/Kubori into Mankarigu township. The other contractors on the road are keen to deliver the road as scheduled. The road which was redesigned and re-varied into a bitumen surface road will become a regional highway linking neighbouring countries and regions within Ghana.
The people of Lingbinsi are witnessing the ongoing construction of the 28.5km Lingbinsi-Donkompe-Wawato-Grubagu Road, Labour was locally sourced in the Lingbinsi community by the contractor working on Lot 0 - 10 of the Daboya - Mankarigu Road which passes through the community; The Hon. Adam Eliasu Red-Bawa administration drilled at least six [6] boreholes in Lingbinsi, construction of a Safety Net Dam ongoing and so on.
@GTV @TV3 @CitiTV
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